Standing so royal in her slant and glowing in her gaze.
stare at her for days
Now for eternities she appears at dusk.
Sometimes full of surprises
Sometimes so new she falls absent of the eyes.
She is always there.
In the wrinkles and craters of her skin she gathers dust in comforting blankets.
Why is it that when I watch her it is as if the whole world fell backwards and the skies and stars were my trees?
This magic pearl
pulling inwards...
Definite are the seas In her arrival. Not a chance the oceans could miss her.
Sometimes on a clear night her reflection is seen in a dream.
Truly a sight to see
To dream
Watching the planets from so far away
Turning the waters blue
Churning the marbles.
Each plate a puzzle.
Perspective towards the sun
The dragons distant in the horizon
Spell fortune